Why is my environment paused?

Kaleido pauses unused environments of Starter plan subscribers to limit resource usage to users actively using their networks. Environments under a Consortium owned by an Organization on the “Starter” plan receives an initial 1 week grace period, after which Kaleido pauses environments that are inactive.

  • Ethereum environments are considered inactive when there are no transactions committed to blocks for 72 hours.
  • Corda environments are considered inactive when there are no notarized transactions for 72 hours.
  • Fabric environments are considered inactive when there are no blocks in default channel for 72 hours.

Kaleido does not automatically pause any environments in Consortia owned by Organizations on a paid plan.

Note: For ethereum environments, if transactions are trapped in a node’s transaction pool queue, an environment will pause due to lack of transactions on the chain.

Resume via the console

You can resume an environment in the Kaleido console by pressing the pause symbol next to the paused environment on the Consortium Dashboard.

Resume via the API

Alternatively, you can call the /environments API with {"state":"live"} in the body to start the environment.

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